Tuesday, January 8, 2008

organize eclipse project folders

organize a project's source folders in such a way that:

  1. all source files are stored in the src folder
  2. all configuration files such as xml, properties, and conf files are stored in the conf folder
  3. all compiled classes are put in the bin folder
  4. exported jar file(s) are stored in the dist folder
  5. project specific configuration files (i.e. .jardesc, manifest.mf) are stored in the etc folder

  1. right click Package Explorer and select New>Create a New Project
  2. select Java Project and click Next
  3. specify the project's name and make sure Create separate source and output folders is selected in the Project Layout panel
  4. click Next
  5. click the Create new source folder link and create the src and conf folders
  6. click Finish
  7. right click the project name and add the bin, dist, etc folders
  8. create a new manifest file in the etc folder and name it manifest.mf
  9. make sure ". conf" is part of the Class-path so that configuration files stored in it can be accessed by your classes

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