Wednesday, April 25, 2012

install telnet in windows 7 and up

pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"

Friday, March 2, 2012

force maven to download dependencies


Friday, February 24, 2012

tomcat not finding maven-project dependency

Right Click on your web project in Project Explorer -> select 'Properties'. Under project properties, select 'Deployment Assembly'.

The Deployment Assembly property page shows the content that will be published as a assembled artifact by Eclipse to the server. You need to tell Eclipse that you want all your Maven dependencies to be published too.

To do that, click 'Add' button, then select 'Java Build Path Entries'. Click Next and select Maven Dependencies. This will publish the Maven dependency JAR files to the lib folder when Eclipse publishes your project to WST server.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

good development tools to have

eclipse plugins
- quantum db plugin
- subversive svn plugin
- checkstyle w/sun profile
- spring ide
- jboss hibernate tools plugin
- maven plugin
- regex util
- apache directory studio
- google plugin
- springsource tools
- eclipse color theme
- m2e-android

other tools
- tortoise
- notepad++
- winmerge (folder compare)
- free download manager
- greenshot (screen capture)

Friday, February 10, 2012

naming conventions

nouns in all caps will be treated as ordinary words, including abbreviations and is subject to camel caps rules

UUID => Uuid
DAO => Dao

Dao should also follow these rules, even in
* ClassNamesDao
* fieldNameDao
* bean id="nameDao"

- the word "name" is to be treated as a suffix, and not as a separate word
-- filename, username, firstname, lastname

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

hibernate can't target an unmapped class

-make sure the annotation is javax.persistence.Entity, and not org.hibernate.annotations.Entity. The former makes the entity detectable. The latter is just an addition.

-if you are manually listing your entities (in persistence.xml, in hibernate.cfg.xml, or when configuring your session factory), then make sure you have also listed the ScopeTopic entity

-use packagesToScan in sessionFactory rather than annotatedPackages and pass all the packages with entities

-make sure you don't have multiple ScopeTopic classes in different packages, and you've imported the wrong one.

Monday, February 6, 2012

force eclipse to recognize war maven projects

run maven command
mvn -Dwtpversion=2.0 compile eclipse:eclipse

then refresh the project

loading additional spring context files from web.xml

<param-value>classpath:xml1.xml classpath:xml2.xml classpath:xml3.xml /WEB-INF/classes/xml4.xml, /WEB-INF/classes/xml5.xml, /WEB-INF/classes/xml6.xml</param-value>
